Transforming Lives in Times of Crisis


On any given day, homelessness here in Milwaukee is heartbreaking, tragic and overwhelming. But now it is even more so given the threats presented by the Coronavirus pandemic.

The struggling men, women and children who come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission arrive devastated for so many different reasons: poverty, hunger, addictions, childhood abuse and neglect, poor educational backgrounds, a lack of job skills, a lifetime of emotional trauma — unfortunately, the list can go on and on.

And, under the threat of this virus, those who are homeless or struggling are even more vulnerable. As public places and meal sites have had to close or reduce their services, these precious souls have less access to the vital food, resources and care they need to remain healthy and safe.

Homelessness is complicated, and usually there is no single solution to help someone change their circumstances. That’s why, thanks to your generosity, we offer people many different avenues to recovery: hot meals, safe shelter, counseling, education, job training, work therapy, Bible studies, spiritual nurture and so much more. And all these can help someone recover and head down a better path.

And the answer to that kind of change is not complicated. The answer lies in an empty tomb and a risen Savior. Transformation and new life are only possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—through Easter.

The Easter message of hope is at the core of everything we do. It’s the miracle that transforms lives—and God is using you to make those miracles possible every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Thank you for being a partner with us in this miraculous ministry.

May God grant you a safe, healthy and blessed Easter,

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

“The Old Has Gone, the New Is Here!”


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”—2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

I can’t imagine a better verse to ring in a brand-new year and a brand-new decade. “The old has gone, the new is here!” Thanks to committed friends and partners like you, transforming the lives of our hurting neighbors through the power of Jesus Christ is what the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is all about.

Yes, with your support, we are committed to providing critical resources like food and shelter to our neighbors devastated by homelessness. That is the love of Christ in action. But even more, we aspire to go beyond that, offering them vital programs that give them the chance to put their broken lives back together through God’s grace.

Throughout 2019, I was overwhelmed with gratitude as I witnessed God heal the wounds of past traumas, years of homelessness and devastating addictions—and I’ve rejoiced when he gave new life to hurting men and women.

The same is true for the students who attend Cross Trainers Academy and all our youth programs. As we provide these precious kids with a solid education, we share God’s love with them—and they learn how dearly loved they are by Jesus!

With your generosity and God’s grace, I believe that 2020 is going to be an extraordinary year! “The old has gone, the new is here!” On behalf of those we serve, thank you for journeying with us in this new year!

I thank God for you,

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

Faces Filled With Christmas Joy


Dear Friend,

Joy. If there’s one word that describes our aspiration for all who come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, 365 days a year, it’s “joy.” But it’s never more profound than in the weeks leading up to Christmas, when we celebrate the “good news” that a new king has been born. The “good news” of a Savior who will redeem the world. The “good news” that our Lord and Creator has come to give us—as Armando says in his story on page 3—”hope and a future.”

Yes, the holiday season is a special time of year, but it’s also a challenging one. This year has been tough on Milwaukee as we’ve seen many more people in need of shelter and coming through our doors. The needs of those on the street today are greater than ever—which can make their Christmas celebration all the more joyful and triumphant once they have finally found warmth, shelter and love after coming to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.

In fact, I wish you could experience the joy inside the Milwaukee Rescue Mission for yourself this holy time of year. I wish you could see the special holiday meals, the warmth and care, and all the Christmas decorations and presents that mean so much to people who are homeless and hurting. But most of all, I wish you could see the faces of all the men, women and children who truly know what the spirit of Christmas is all about, faces filled with the joy and the promise of eternal life—because of a baby born in a manger.

Whether you’re a donor or a volunteer or a prayer warrior on behalf of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, those faces are filled with joy because God used you to help make it all possible. And on their behalf, I want to say thank you… and Merry Christmas.


Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min. President

My 2019 Gratitude List

Dear Friend,

The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving are such a busy time at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. There’s so much to prepare for! But in all the busyness, I don’t want to lose sight of all I’m grateful for. So as summer turns to fall, here is my 2019 gratitude list:

I’m grateful for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission: Psalm 107:8-9 (NIV) says, “give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” To me, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission—from our staff to our board members to our volunteers—reflects that love and goodness of God to thirsty and hungry people. What a blessing to be a part of this amazing ministry!

I’m grateful for Cross Trainers Academy: This year, Cross Trainers Academy celebrated our first ever graduating class of seniors. These kids remind me that we’re not only giving students a good, solid education, we’re sharing the love of Jesus Christ—seeing their lives transformed and impacting their families and neighborhoods for years to come.

I’m grateful for those we serve: It’s such a privilege to serve the men, women and children who come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission seeking our help. But they are not just people who need to be “rescued.” Many are my brothers and sisters in Christ. They are my friends and some of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met. I’m grateful for the chance to help transform their lives. But they’ve transformed mine, as well.

I’m grateful for you: You not only support us financially, but your prayers, notes of encouragement and phone calls ALL make the work of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission possible. I consider you my friends and partners in this ministry. You’re Milwaukee’s best, and I can’t tell you what it means to have this holy army of people like you standing with us.

Thanksgiving is still weeks away. But I am grateful every day for all of God’s blessings!


Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

Carry Each Other’s Burdens

Dear Friend,

In Matthew 22:37-39 (NIV), Jesus says “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

The Apostle Paul later added, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, NIV).

This kind of love lies at the very heart of the gospel, and these loving commands are at the heart of what the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is all about. When our friends in need are struggling and hurt, it is especially important for them to be surrounded by people who love and value them, and who will help carry life’s burdens when they no longer can, just as God does for us. That kind of love is life-changing.

Yes, we first take care of people’s essential human needs: food, shelter and clothing. But the human need for loving, caring, supportive relationships is no less important. No one can thrive outside of loving relationships.

Almost every man and woman here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission—just like Rodney, whose story is on page 3—could tell you how important the relationships they experience here have been in transforming their lives.

We try to model God’s life-changing love here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. But it’s not just us. It’s YOU. This is what your support and prayers really mean to the men, women and children we serve. It means love—the kind of love that leads to new life.

We all fall down at some point in our lives. Hopefully, someone will be there to help carry our burdens when we do. Thank you for being the kind of person who is there when someone falls. Your loving compassion transforms lives.


Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

When They Know How Much You Care

Dear Friend,

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Eric’s story, at the top of this newsletter, is a perfect illustration of that truth. He didn’t want to open himself to God and the gospel we preach until he experienced how much we care about him.

Every day, more hurting people like Eric, and Shamika, whose story is above, come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Many have suffered for years from the emotional scars of painful childhoods. Others have struggled with paralyzing addictions and crippling hopelessness, because they think it’s all they deserve. Over the years, they’ve lost connections to family and friends. They feel abandoned. They feel like no one cares—and that their lives will never change.

But that’s not true. Jesus cares. His life-transforming work on the cross and His resurrection can change their lives today and for eternity. Together, we can remind our hurting neighbors of this powerful truth.

This summer, and all year round, your support shows precious men and women at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission that they aren’t alone. They aren’t abandoned. Every meal and night of shelter you help provide shows them you care. Every smile, every hug, every word of kindness they experience here is because you helped make it possible. Every class, every Bible study, every hour of spiritual counseling demonstrates how much you care.

Then, as our friends in need receive more and more loving care, their hearts are opened and eager to learn what we know to be true—that the Good News of Jesus Christ will transform their lives forever. Thank you for your life-changing generosity this summer. Thank you for caring!

May God grant you a blessed Easter,

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

All Because of an Empty Tomb

Dear Friend,

This might surprise some people, but I can’t imagine working anywhere more exciting and life-affirming than a rescue mission—especially the Milwaukee Rescue Mission! Why? For me, it’s all about Easter…that first resurrection Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead, promising hope and new life for everyone who believes.

All year round, more hurting men, women and children come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission struggling with homelessness, addictions, abuse, hunger and despair.

But thanks to Easter morning, every day I get to witness God’s power transform the lives of these same broken men, women and children. Each precious person who finds Jesus here is one more miraculous story of transformation and resurrected life. And that’s what the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is all about. As one of our caring partners, I believe it’s also what you are about.

Your generosity provides far more than food, beds and warm shelter. Your support transforms lives and helps bring redemption to those in need. The work we do together, then, is bigger than any one of us.

All because of an empty tomb.

In these weeks leading up to Easter, I pray you remember the true significance of your gifts and partnership with the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. And I pray you keep in mind people like Mike and Dakara in this issue of Soup for Your Soul. Their stories of resurrection and new life in Christ are extraordinary—all because you care.

So please, enjoy our latest newsletter. I trust you will be encouraged by the stories of transformation you make possible.

Thank you for all you do!

May God grant you a blessed Easter,

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

A New Year of God’s Mercies

Dear Friend,

I love celebrating a brand-new year. I know it’s just another calendar day, but there’s something about it that feels like a fresh start. No matter what’s happened the year before, it’s a new beginning, filled with possibilities.

It also reminds me of those great verses in Lamentations 3:22-23: “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (NIV). On January 1 and every day after, God’s love will never fail. Every day is a new day to experience God’s mercy.

I’m thankful that we can rest in that truth. But what about people in crisis? What about men and women struggling with addictions, shame, past abuse or years of failure and hardships? For many of them, New Year’s Day just feels like another day of misery, followed by another year of suffering.

But then they come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. When they arrive, they often feel alone, vulnerable and even hopeless. Then they eat a hot meal. They feel relief, knowing they have a safe bed for the night. Someone smiles at him or hugs her. Maybe for the first time in a long time, they feel like someone cares. God’s mercy in action. That’s where hope starts. That’s when many will open themselves up to everything the Milwaukee Rescue Mission has to offer. Many like Alicia, whose story you’ll read on page 3. That’s where lives start to change—thanks to God’s mercy through you!

I wish you knew how many people have found a new beginning and new life here because of you. New lives that started because of the meals, shelter and long-term care you helped provide. God’s mercy is new every morning, and your help is the tangible expression of His mercy. Happy New Year!

I thank God for you,
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

Good Meals and a Merry Christmas

Dear Friend,

With the holiday season just around the corner now, it seems like everywhere I go, I hear Christmas songs: “I’ll be home for Christmas” . . . “There’s no place like home for the holidays” . . . “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

For most of us, including me, it is the most wonderful time of year, isn’t it? But it’s not for many hurting men, women and children who have no home for the holidays. For them, it can be the saddest time of the year. Every day is a reminder of everything that’s gone wrong in their lives. And it’s hard to escape the feeling that no one cares.

But you and I do care. More importantly, God loves them so much, He sent His only Son that first Christmas so that He could redeem them.  And with the love of Jesus Christ, you and I can show them love, too. All year-round, we embrace every man, woman and child who comes to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission with Christ’s love and compassion. Christmas gives us a unique opportunity to show that love and compassion in a special way.

That’s why your support is so important. You’re providing meals, shelter, clothing, education, job training and so much more to hurting men, women and children who may have nowhere else to turn. Through your generosity, they know how much you care. For many, coming through the doors of MRM may be the first time they feel welcomed. It may be the first time they’re surrounded by love and encouragement, and maybe the first time they feel it just might be possible to experience a “Merry” Christmas!

This holiday season, you will help the Milwaukee Rescue Mission serve more than 44,524 meals to hurting men, women and children. But you’ll provide more than food. You’ll remind our hurting neighbors that they are loved.

Thank you . . . and Merry Christmas!

I thank God for you,
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.

Giving Thanks

Dear Friend,

Fall is always such a wonderful time here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. As summer draws to a close — finishing up projects at our North Campus, nurturing kids through our City Camp, and so much more — our thoughts turn toward the challenges our homeless neighbors will face with the changing weather, a new school year at Cross Trainers Academy and, yes, the excitement of Thanksgiving right around the corner.

I know, Thanksgiving is still more than two months away. But it really is a remarkable time, and there’s no place I’d rather celebrate than with our guests at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. In many ways, the holidays can be a painful time for the men, women, and children here who have lost so much. But we are reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Through support like yours, these precious souls find reasons to give thanks — reasons like a hot meal, a warm bed and the reminder of God’s love. They know that, despite their painful circumstances, God is faithful and will lead them through those circumstances. They are truly grateful for the food they eat, safe shelter and for people who care — people like you.

And so am I. As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I am truly grateful for God’s faithfulness and His steadfast love — and I see that faithfulness and love every day through your generosity and compassion. You make gratitude possible at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. You make Thanksgiving possible — not just one day a year, but 24/7, 365 days a year. So on behalf of myself and all our guests — thank you.

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.