On any given day, homelessness here in Milwaukee is heartbreaking, tragic and overwhelming. But now it is even more so given the threats presented by the Coronavirus pandemic.
The struggling men, women and children who come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission arrive devastated for so many different reasons: poverty, hunger, addictions, childhood abuse and neglect, poor educational backgrounds, a lack of job skills, a lifetime of emotional trauma — unfortunately, the list can go on and on.
And, under the threat of this virus, those who are homeless or struggling are even more vulnerable. As public places and meal sites have had to close or reduce their services, these precious souls have less access to the vital food, resources and care they need to remain healthy and safe.
Homelessness is complicated, and usually there is no single solution to help someone change their circumstances. That’s why, thanks to your generosity, we offer people many different avenues to recovery: hot meals, safe shelter, counseling, education, job training, work therapy, Bible studies, spiritual nurture and so much more. And all these can help someone recover and head down a better path.
And the answer to that kind of change is not complicated. The answer lies in an empty tomb and a risen Savior. Transformation and new life are only possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—through Easter.
The Easter message of hope is at the core of everything we do. It’s the miracle that transforms lives—and God is using you to make those miracles possible every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Thank you for being a partner with us in this miraculous ministry.
May God grant you a safe, healthy and blessed Easter,
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.