While receiving a nutritious meal and safe shelter can be the first step on the journey to recovery, MRM also addresses the root causes of homelessness. Our long-term recovery programs help to transform lives through education, job training, counseling, mentorship, addiction treatment, biblical instruction, counseling, life-skills classes and more.
Once basic needs are met, our programs—in Safe Harbor, Joy House, Cross Trainers Academy and our North Campus—provide the structure and long-term support for struggling neighbors to consider next steps, set goals and rebuild their lives on a firm foundation.

“When I walked through these doors, I thought I was just Otis the drug addict. Otis the failure. Otis the liar and thief. Over the next year, however, I learned who I REALLY am. I’m Otis, child of God. I’ve been redeemed. And God had work for me to do.”