Thanks to generous donors, we have the facilities to meet a wide variety of needs of the men, women and children we serve. Safe Harbor provides a place for struggling men, while women and children find peace and support at Joy House. Children in the community learn and play at Cross Trainers Academy.
Much of the work takes place at our Central Campus, our historic building at 19th and Wells — the former University of Wisconsin, Normal School. Since purchasing the 230,000-square-foot facility in 1983, we’ve done more than $10 million in renovations to make it suitable for meeting the needs of our homeless neighbors. Classrooms were converted into living space to accommodate the hundreds of people who stay here, heating and cooling facilities were updated and security measures installed. We even built two computer training facilities to educate our guests and help prepare them for life after MRM.
And, in 2015, we purchased property located at 15th and Center Streets where our K4-12th grade school, Cross Trainers Academy, is now located. Moving the school to our North Campus allows us to be more central to the families whose children attend Cross Trainers. And, plugging CTA Parent and Family Engagement into the Lindsay Heights neighborhood allows us to make a greater impact in the surrounding community.