Radical Love
Dear Friend,
Throughout history, caring, compassionate and courageous men and women have risen up in times of crisis and massive challenges. They have served those who are sick, suffering, hungry and homeless—and often put their lives on the line to do it. Whether they know it or not, many have reflected the image of our loving, caring God.
Over the past few months, I have seen that same kind of radical love and sacrificial service every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. The power of a community coming together to love and serve “the least of these” is extraordinary.
From government health officials serving the public, to local businesses that have called to ask, “What can we do?” Despite risks to their own health, our amazing staff has never complained. They’ve simply rolled up their sleeves and said, “Let’s get to work.” I’ve seen bold, courageous volunteers step up when we needed them most. And even the hurting men, women and children we serve have gone out of their way to tell us how grateful they are for all we’re doing.
But I think God’s faithfulness has shown brightest in this community through caring, generous people like you. Time and again, you have stepped up your financial support. And more than that, you’ve sent notes of encouragement, asked how we are doing and prayed. Whenever we’ve shared a need, our community of friends—including you—has stepped up to meet that need.
Thank you for being God’s servants—and our partners—in these challenging times!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.