Ebony’s Story

heart for other people. Whether she was raising her nephew, caring for her ailing mother or taking in foster children when their own mother abandoned them, she has always felt a call to serve others in their time of need. Yet, when she suddenly found herself in a time of need, Ebony didn’t know…

Tim’s Story

If you met Tim, you’d know a few things right away: he loves the Lord, he loves his family and he loves life. But that wasn’t always the case. As an infant, Tim was adopted into a loving family who raised him to be respectful, responsible and full of faith. But in 7th grade,…

Mikitha’s Story

“I was looking for an escape, but I didn’t know how.” Neglect has followed Mikitha nearly her entire life. Growing up in an unstable household, she faced a daily uphill battle — leaving her with painful memories and scars that drove her to deep depression and low self-esteem. “It was a really rough childhood,”…

Ray’s Story

Ray had worked hard all his life — “but I liked to play hard, too,” he explains. A functioning alcoholic, he spent 23 years making a life for himself in Florida. “I drank every day, probably since I was a kid. But I was working, managed a couple of restaurants, had my own apartment.”…

Demetriana’s Story

Growing up near our K4-12th grade school, Cross Trainers Academy (CTA), Demetriana knows how critical it is for children to learn in a safe, nurturing environment — because she went to school here, herself. As a youngster in the Lindsey Heights area, “it’s always been really dangerous where I live,” she explains. “If I…

Anthony’s Story

Anthony sat in his truck at a Park and Ride — homeless and devastated by an out-of-control crack addiction. For years he’d dabbled with marijuana, always able to function and perform at work. But once he was introduced to cocaine, things went downhill fast. His life fell apart, and he shut himself off from…

Monique’s Story

“It started with a bad relationship last year. I thought it was healthy at first, but it moved too fast. It was very controlling, very oppressive.” It was a new, exciting relationship, and Monique was looking forward to the future. But as little disagreements grew into hostility, she felt suffocated, frightened and unable to…

Craig’s Story

“Wasted potential.” That’s how Craig saw his life. Despite growing up in a stable household, he rebelled as a teenager — he started hanging out with the wrong crowd, and began using drugs and alcohol. What started as youthful defiance led him down a heartbreaking path of brokenness, addiction, homelessness … and nearly a…

Janetta’s Story

Between a difficult childhood and a teenage pregnancy, Janetta’s life hasn’t always been easy — “But I know God won’t let me down.” Eventually, through God’s grace, she found peace. She got married, and her family started a new life in Mississippi. Sadly, it wasn’t only the move that went south — but her…

Ron’s Story

For 30 years, Ron survived on Chicago’s cold, dangerous streets. He endured sub-zero winter nights with little more than a blanket and an alleyway to block the wind. At times, he was so hungry that he begged for change just to buy some fast food. Once, he even found himself in the middle of…