Lorraine’s Story
"Joy House is exactly what it is, a joy house."
“My lowest point was when I lost everything … when they boarded up my house,” remembers Lorraine, through tears. “It made me feel helpless. It made me feel lost, like, ‘What should I do? Where should I go? Who could help me?’”
A single mother with young children and an entrepreneurial spirit, Lorraine has always worked hard to build a bright future for her family. She purchased a duplex with the goal of converting it into both a living space for her family and a place for her to run her salon. She was full of motivation, but the house was also full of problems — and the money ran out. Then, the roof collapsed during a bad storm. “I tried to fix the house myself,” she admits. “But the city had to board it up.”
So, Lorraine and her children moved in with her mother. What she didn’t know was that her mother was struggling financially and would eventually lose her residence herself. Sadly, everyone was evicted, leaving Lorraine and her children without a home — again. “The money I saved, I used it staying in hotels, trying to stay away from living on the streets,” she says. Eventually, Lorraine and the kids were forced to live in her car — but that wasn’t a stable solution.
Overwhelmed and afraid, Lorraine turned to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. “They welcomed me in with my children,” she remembers. “It has taken a lot of stress off me. They feed us good food every day. They gave us new clothing and warm pajamas and gave the kids toys that make them happy.” With tears of gratitude, she says, “They welcomed us in and made my kids feel so comfortable … that makes me feel better as a mother.”
“God placed me here where all the women, the people, the staff believe in God and give you hope and help. They pray with you and make sure we’re okay,” she explains. “Joy House is exactly what it is, a joy house.”
Through your compassion, God is transforming lives like Lorraine’s at MRM. “Oh, my life has changed. I feel like I’ve gotten closer to God with this situation,” she says. “I feel more secure in my relationship with God.”
Lorraine is so grateful for your support. “You guys are really doing a big job for families in need. It’s really appreciated from me and my family!”