Steve’s Story

"I didn’t grow up with the aspiration of one day becoming an addict or a gang member — but that’s what I became. And now, after my time at MRM, I know that if it had not been for God’s love, mercy and grace, I would not be here today. I had a rough…

Samuel’s Story

“I grew up thinking I couldn’t amount to anything. My father was abusive and my mother was a prostitute. It left a negative impact on my life.” Without parental guidance and love, it wasn’t long before Samuel dropped out of school and joined a gang. “Instead of working, I chose the cowardly way out…

Paulette’s Story

“I was in a dark place, and I had just lost my mom. Everything was just dark for me then.” Paulette had moved to Milwaukee to fulfill her dream of going to culinary arts school and becoming a chef. But her dream unraveled when her living situation fell through, leaving her nowhere to go.…

Patrick’s Story

“I had a lot of anger issues … I had a very violent life. I even ended up in a penitentiary three times.” Patrick wasn’t always angry. As a young child, he remembers, “We had a nice house, and everything was beautiful.” But after his parents divorced, his life slipped into a downward spiral.…

Jeffery’s Story

“When I was young, I didn’t know it, but I was angry a lot. I believe that’s because of the situation I grew up in,” Jeffery admits. He was raised in an unhappy, unstable home — one full of brokenness, drugs and divorce. As Jeffery got older, he grew resentful … and rebellious. His…

Lorraine’s Story

“My lowest point was when I lost everything ... when they boarded up my house,” remembers Lorraine, through tears. “It made me feel helpless. It made me feel lost, like, ‘What should I do? Where should I go? Who could help me?’” A single mother with young children and an entrepreneurial spirit, Lorraine has…

Ebony’s Story

heart for other people. Whether she was raising her nephew, caring for her ailing mother or taking in foster children when their own mother abandoned them, she has always felt a call to serve others in their time of need. Yet, when she suddenly found herself in a time of need, Ebony didn’t know…

Tim’s Story

If you met Tim, you’d know a few things right away: he loves the Lord, he loves his family and he loves life. But that wasn’t always the case. As an infant, Tim was adopted into a loving family who raised him to be respectful, responsible and full of faith. But in 7th grade,…

Mikitha’s Story

“I was looking for an escape, but I didn’t know how.” Neglect has followed Mikitha nearly her entire life. Growing up in an unstable household, she faced a daily uphill battle — leaving her with painful memories and scars that drove her to deep depression and low self-esteem. “It was a really rough childhood,”…

Ray’s Story

Ray had worked hard all his life — “but I liked to play hard, too,” he explains. A functioning alcoholic, he spent 23 years making a life for himself in Florida. “I drank every day, probably since I was a kid. But I was working, managed a couple of restaurants, had my own apartment.”…