Looking for Hope in the New Year

Dear Friend, I love the new year! Whether it’s rung in with celebration or a simple flip of the calendar page, the arrival of January represents a new beginning and a fresh start. But for hurting men, women and children facing homelessness, hunger and hardship, the new year can be especially difficult. As winter…

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Dear Friend, It’s Christmastime — “the most wonderful time of the year,” as the classic song reminds us. For many, the season is filled with festive lights and carols, warm-hearted gatherings and holiday cheer. But for most of our guests, their memories of the holidays are not so rosy. For our neighbors who are…

Thanksgiving in the Midst of Suffering

Dear Friend, I love the story of Thanksgiving. We celebrate the holiday every year, yet many people don’t realize what a fascinating history it has in America — and how meaningful it is to us here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. The winter before the first Thanksgiving, half the Pilgrims died. The next fall,…

Who Is My Neighbor?

Dear Friend, People often ask: What’s your highest priority at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission? The answer is found in our mission statement: “Sharing God’s love by caring for those who are poor in body, mind and spirit, to see lives transformed through Christ to hope, joy and lasting productivity.” Loving our neighbors is at…

We Have a Lot to Celebrate!

Dear Friend, I have the privilege of seeing first-hand how God is using your support to impact the lives of those who have fallen on hard times — and I can’t thank you enough for your part in providing life-changing care to hurting men, women and children in our community! By God’s grace and…

The Power of Christ’s Resurrection

Dear Friend, It’s Eastertime! The days are growing longer, and signs of new life are all around us as we joyfully anticipate the arrival of Spring. So many of the precious men, women and children who walk through our doors each day are longing for this newness of life. Some have struggled for years.…