Witnessing God’s Love and Grace in Action

Dear Friend, I am always so grateful when I see how God is using caring people like you to provide critical resources, encouragement and care to men, women and children experiencing hunger and homelessness. More than that, it humbles me that God has given us the privilege of being part of the real life…

Easter Miracles

Dear Friend, For Christians, Easter is the central historic truth of our faith. Jesus is God’s perfect solution for the problems we face in our day-to-day lives, as well as the problems facing those we serve every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. His resurrection means that every sinner — which is all of…

Shelter in the Storms of Life

Dear Friend, Even as the New Year inspires a spirit of optimism, this time of year can also be a little bleak in Milwaukee. The days are cold and short, and spring feels a long way off. But for our neighbors who are struggling with poverty, addiction and other crises, winter is more than…

The Source of Hope for All Mankind

Dear Friend, There is a sense of contradiction in the Christmas story. The King of all glory comes to earth in impossibly humble circumstances — a lowly manger, surrounded by animals and hay! While Christmas nativities and carols romanticize the setting (and I love these traditions), there is no doubt that we who are…

Education, a Key to Lasting Transformation

Every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I am amazed to see the life-changing power of the Gospel as those who are struggling come through our doors looking for a fresh start. And we’ve been doing this long enough to know there are some key factors that contribute to this sort of transformation. First…

Steadfast in Faith to Become Complete in Christ

Looking back at the many challenges of the past year, I can’t help but think of this encouraging scripture: “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be…