Education, a Key to Lasting Transformation
Every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I am amazed to see the life-changing power of the Gospel as those who are struggling come through our doors looking for a fresh start. And we’ve been doing this long enough to know there are some key factors that contribute to this sort of transformation.
First and foremost is God’s love — people realizing their worth and value in the eyes of God, because He created them in His image. Then, there’s purpose — knowing that God has a purpose for the precious souls who come here seeking refuge and hope.
And still, in order for folks to develop their God-given and purposeful gifts, education is critical.
Here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, we believe education is essential in a person’s journey toward transformation. At our K4-12th grade school, Cross Trainers Academy, young scholars like Trinity — whose story is featured in our September newsletter — are receiving a comprehensive education to help them succeed in life and break out of the cycle of poverty.
Education is also a top priority in our short- and long-term recovery programs. As men and women recover from trauma, addiction or other life-controlling hardships, it is faith-fueled education that helps pave the way to a promising new future. (Be sure to read about Lee’s journey from drug addiction to earning his GED in our September newsletter, too!)
Your support is truly changing lives, and I’m so very grateful. Thank you for helping provide struggling men, women and children — like Lee and Trinity — with a strong foundation for the future!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.