From Homelessness to a Life Together — LeRoy and Shameca’s Story

Nobody goes to a homeless shelter to find a life partner. But for LeRoy and Shameca, that’s exactly how things turned out — even though they didn't start that way. Shameca had a difficult childhood. “It left me with a lot of scars on my heart,” she remembers. To cope, she turned to alcohol.…

Overcoming Anger and Finding Peace — Timothy’s Story

Some days, Timothy looks back at his old self and shakes his head in disbelief. “I was angry all the time,” he says. “I even yelled at homeless people. ‘What’s wrong with you? Get a job!’” Timothy’s anger didn’t develop overnight. Raised in a military family, he spent his early years constantly moving —…

A Brush With Death — Andy’s Story

"I was drinking, using crystal meth and sleeping on the streets. That was my rock bottom. But somehow, I’m still here. I believe God has a purpose for me." Andy grew up surrounded by hardship. Raised on Milwaukee’s south side by a single mother, he never knew his father and endured years of abuse…

Out of the Wilderness — Ajaya’s Story

Ajaya was in a toxic relationship — and one damaging to her son, Prince. Eventually, she decided enough was enough. Ajaya fled with Prince, but soon discovered the challenge of trying to make it on her own with a 2-year-old. “It was a ripple effect,” she explains. “I had to quit my job because…

From a Death Wish to New Life — Jeff’s Story

"Growing up in a family surrounded by drugs ... I thought it was normal. I was young, and didn’t know right from wrong. It wasn’t until later that I learned it’s not a normal way of living.” If you met Jeff today, you’d never guess that his childhood was clouded by drug abuse. His…

LaTonya’s Story – A Change of Heart

My mom didn’t want me when I was growing up. She even told me so. Both of my parents were drug abusers, and I was often neglected. They sometimes locked me out of the house. I wouldn’t wish my childhood on anybody. As a teenager, I decided to leave that toxic environment, and I…

Robert’s Story

Sometimes you’ve got to hit rock bottom before you can look up. At least that’s what happened to Robert. He’d made a lot of poor choices along the way — substance abuse, anger issues — and spent some time in jail. “But I didn’t care at the time,” he says. “Not even about going…

Shaquonna’s Story

Shaquonna was a runner. “I went into foster care when I was 13 and I ran away a lot. If I didn’t want to be somewhere and felt uncomfortable, I ran,” she admits. She recalls her “crazy childhood”, one filled with poverty, abuse and turmoil. Running became Shaquonna’s solution to the hardships she experienced,…

Andre’s Story

Andre was only ten years old when his mother brought drugs into the house. “Crack came into our lives because my mom started using it,” he remembers. School provided an escape for a while — but as he watched his mother sink deeper and deeper into addiction, eventually, it took hold of Andre’s life,…

Christina’s Story

Looking back, Christina remembers a childhood of neglect, abuse and brokenness — leaving her with painful memories and deep despair. “My stepfather was an alcoholic and very abusive,” she explains. Because of that, “I had major depression, posttraumatic stress and bad anxiety for a long time.” Christina left home at just 16 years old.…