The Source of Hope for All Mankind
Dear Friend,
There is a sense of contradiction in the Christmas story. The King of all glory comes to earth in impossibly humble circumstances — a lowly manger, surrounded by animals and hay! While Christmas nativities and carols romanticize the setting (and I love these traditions), there is no doubt that we who are used to our culture today would find the setting shocking in real life.
And yet, the nativity story captures so beautifully God’s heart for society’s downtrodden. Not only is his precious Son born in the manger, but the people invited to celebrate the birth are shepherds, some of the lowest of the low in ancient society.
The life that Jesus went on to live — including his death and resurrection — is the source of hope for mankind, and that’s a hope that is especially meaningful to our guests at this time of year. As they learn about Jesus and his deep compassion for people who are “weary and burdened,” (Matthew 11:28), and as they experience his love, healing and forgiveness … it leads to new life. New life away from the streets, free from shame and brokenness, with bright hope for the future.
I cannot thank you enough for blessing our neighbors in great need through your support. Your compassion helps change lives, as you’ll read in this new issue of Transformed. Nakisha and Dale’s stories are proof of this! The resources you so generously share ensure men, women and children from every background and walk of life receive meals, shelter and the good news of God’s redeeming love through his Son Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing His love — during the holidays, and all year long. A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.