At this time we are in greatest need of the following items:

Women’s Items (NEW or LIKE NEW):

  • Women’s underwear — size 10 and up, NEW ONLY
  • Women’s shaving cream

Children and Infant Items:

  • Baby-toddler socks — !
  • Two-seat strollers (we have enough single seats, thank you!)
  • Children’s cough drops (please check expiration date!) — NEW ONLY
  • Children’s cough medicine (check expiration date!) — NEW ONLY
  • Car seats (unexpired only)
  • Infant carriers/sling wraps

Men’s Items (NEW or LIKE NEW):

  • Men’s boxer briefs — sizes 2x and 3x, NEW only 
  • Men’s deodorant — !
  • Men’s jeans — sizes 30-34 (all lengths)
  • Men’s shower shoes — sizes L and XL Flip Flops
  • Men’s shirts and pants — sizes 4X and 5X
  • Men’s sweatpants — all sizes except XL (especially Medium & Large)
  • Men’s hoodies — sizes 3X and up

General Hygiene and Houseware Items:

  • Non-Alcoholic Cough medicine (please check expiration date!)
  • Kleenex
  • Foot powder
  • Small wash cloths
  • Pepto Bismol (liquid or chewables)
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Allergy medication
  • Cough drops (please check expiration date!)
  • Queen bed sheets / comforters


If you’re able to help in providing any of the above items, you may drop them off at our Central Campus Distribution Center (Kilbourn Avenue and 18th Street) anytime between 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday.

Upon entering the parking lot off of Kilbourn Ave., veer left, drive down the ramp and make a left turn at the end of the ramp. There you will find a door on your right to the Distribution Center, where staff can assist with your donation and provide a receipt.


Donations may also be sent by mail, whether sent from your home or purchased and shipped from a store (like Target, Amazon, etc.). Please address mailed donations to:

Milwaukee Rescue Mission
Attn: Distribution Center
830 N 19th St
Milwaukee, WI 53233

If it’s easier, you may also make a financial gift towards our urgent needs by visiting and giving a donation. You can even indicate in the comments section which need you are supporting, if you like. Please know that we will greatly appreciate any help you are able to provide!