Help provide NEW school supplies!
For many kids, the new school year is an exciting time filled with anticipation of seeing friends and learning new things. But for the one in three students living in poverty in Milwaukee, starting a new year of school can be filled with anxiety.
Thanks to generous friends, we have plenty of certain items — like binders, calculators, crayons, glue sticks and more — but we are still in need of the items below in order to properly equip each student for the new school year. Can you help?
**Please note:**
- Items that are bolded below are especially needed as we have none or very few of them in stock.
- If you place an order and it won’t arrive until after school starts, that’s totally fine! We do have need for continued supplies throughout the year — and, while Cross Trainers Academy starts school on 8/19, we have students staying in our Joy House shelter for women & children who will not start school until a bit later. So, the sooner, the better — but we’ll take school supplies and backpacks at any time of year. Thank you!

- Book bags
- Character backpacks are fine for younger students; solid colors preferred for middle and high schoolers.
- Check out these options for ideas!
- Hand sanitizer
- 1 subject notebooks — all colors
- Orange especially needed!
- Construction paper
- Graph paper
- Composition notebooks
- 2 pocket paper folders — all colors
- 2 pocket plastic folders — all colors
- 2 pocket prong paper folders — all colors
- 2 pocket prong plastic folders — all colors
- Post-it notes
- Paper clips
- Pencil boxes
- Scotch tape
- Adult scissors
- Large staplers
- Staples
- Dry erase markers
- Dry erase erasers
- Red pens
- Sharpies
- Broad markers, 10-count
- Kleenex
Don't have time to shop?
Feel free to make a monetary donation towards school supplies by clicking here and indicating “school supplies” in the Comments field.
Donations of school supplies may be dropped off at our Central Campus Distribution Center (Kilbourn Avenue and 18th Street) anytime between 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday.
Donations may also be sent by mail, whether sent from your home or purchased and shipped from a store (like Target, Amazon, etc.). Please address mailed donations to:
Milwaukee Rescue Mission
Attn: Distribution Center
830 N 19th St
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Any contribution will be so appreciated.
Thank you for your kindness and for helping equip our students for success!
Cross Trainers Academy Mission Statement
Cross Trainers Academy exists to provide an academically rigorous, Christ-centered education to equip students from a wide variety of backgrounds to serve their communities and lead responsible, God-honoring lives. We do this by nurturing the whole child, empowering each student to build a strong foundation for the future.
Questions? Contact Cross Trainers Academy at 414.935.0500 for more information.