Tim’s Story
"I’m a walking testimony of what God can do."
If you met Tim, you’d know a few things right away: he loves the Lord, he loves his family and he loves life. But that wasn’t always the case.
As an infant, Tim was adopted into a loving family who raised him to be respectful, responsible and full of faith. But in 7th grade, the lure of rebellion was too much for him to resist. At that young age, he started chasing after alcohol, drugs and other trouble — trading in the love of his family for the thrill of the fast life.
It wasn’t until Tim overdosed and almost died that he decided he needed to change. “That was my rock bottom,” he says. “I had to change or die. When I got out of the hospital I came to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.”
It was during his time at MRM that Tim’s life started to turn around. Sober for the first time in years, he was finally able to understand that God had a purpose for his life. He reconnected with his family, and committed himself to following Christ, praying daily and serving others.
One of Tim’s fond holiday memories is serving a meal at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. “I think that’s one of my favorite moments,” Tim says. “I was once the guy receiving that holiday meal as a guest. Next thing you know, I was the one serving. It was great to see people experience love like that.”
This holiday season, Tim has a long list of things to be thankful for — renewed purpose, repaired relationships and a faith that guides him in everything he does. But this year, what he’s most thankful for is a milestone not easily accomplished by any who have struggled with addiction.
By God’s grace, Tim recently celebrated five years of sobriety!
“I know the work has just begun, but I’m very grateful for how far I’ve come and all the people who have played a part in my journey,” Tim says. “I don’t think a lot of people saw my recovery as a possibility. But I’m a walking testimony of what God can do, and how he uses the generosity of donors to transform a life like mine.”
Thank you for being a part of Tim’s story — and for helping share the hope of Christ with so many this Christmas. As Tim says, “That’s what you did for me as a donor. You helped save my life!”