Patrick’s Story
"I can hold my head up in the community now because people cared enough to help someone like me."
There was a time in Patrick’s life when he was living a storybook existence.
After a rough patch in his teens, Patrick was celebrating sobriety, was active in his local church and was married to the woman he adored. Life was good and peaceful.
Then, after ten years of marriage, his wife unexpectedly left him — and his dream turned into a nightmare.
For a while, Patrick white-knuckled his way through each day to maintain his sobriety. But the more time went on, the more difficult it became to hide the embarrassment and disappointment brought on by “my broken heart.” Eventually, he “fell back into the bottle.”
“I felt like there was a tug-of-war going on for my soul,” he says.
Patrick’s rock-bottom moment came after he was arrested for drunk driving and spent 30 days in jail. During that time, he prayed, “God, I need a place to go. A safe place where it’s just you and me and my Bible. Lord … just get me there.”
When he was released, he had no job, no place to live, and nobody to help him emerge from the hole he had dug for himself. That’s how he ended up at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, enrolling in New Journey, our long-term recovery program for men.
Here, Patrick not only regained his sobriety but sensed God reshaping his future. “I knew God wanted me to start completely over. He melted me down into another person and I’m glad the person I used to be is dead.”
Today, Patrick’s heart is full of gratitude for all the support he has received through the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. For staff, who patiently listened and offered him a shoulder to cry on. For his new friends, who provided encouragement and support. And for donors, who made it possible for him to be here and find the help he needed.
“Because of them, I’m not drinking and driving no more. I’m not being a menace to society,” he says. “I have my own place. My own vehicle. I’m even on good terms with my family again, which is itself a miracle.”
He adds, “I can hold my head up in the community now because people cared enough to help someone like me.”
Today, Patrick is rejoicing for the new life he’s been given — and we are, too. Thank you for helping change lives!