CTA Dad’s Story
As a single parent, my seven-year-old daughter, Jocelyn, means everything to me. I want to make sure she gets every opportunity to succeed in life. That's why I've enrolled her in CrossTrainers Academy, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission's school for children who live in Joy House or in the community. I've lived in Milwaukee for…
Marion’s Story
Probably the greatest tragedy a mother can face is the death of a child — especially a child who's been murdered. Marion's oldest son, Khristopher, was murdered by an acquaintance at the age of 21 in 2002. His death sent Marion and her husband into a free fall of drinking, drugs, depression, and fighting.…
Cora’s Story
As a student, Cora struggled from 1st grade on because of learning disabilities. “I always felt lost,” Cora, 28, recalls. “And with 25 other kids in my class, the teachers never had the time to help me or explain things to me. I want my kids to have a different experience. “ So when…
Kenneth’s Story
"If Not For The Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I Would Be Dead" By Kenneth Some people think kids who end up homeless addicts grew up in bad families. Well, it happened to me and I had great Christian parents, went to good schools, and as long as I earned good grades, I got anything I…
Theresa’s Story
Her parents have been together for over three decades, a model marriage full of love. So Theresa, 32, can't figure out why she was attracted to “the bad guy,” as she puts it. “Maybe I thought my positive influence would rub off on him.” Theresa, who never drank and never did drugs, fell for…