Latiesha’s Story
All through Latiesha’s youth, she dreamed of being a pediatric nurse. She certainly had all the tools: “I had an amazing childhood, with two responsible parents who laid a very good foundation for me,” she says. “I was a good student, and I always saw myself in the medical field.”
But then things changed. She had her first child at 17 and her youthful dreams faded away into motherhood, more children and heavy responsibility. Still, it was a good life — until two years ago. Her kids’ father was put in jail. Unable to support her family on her own, Latiesha and her children ended up homeless and came to Joy House.
“I was there for six months,” she recalls. “The lifeskills classes and practical help they offered were good. But then they introduced me to Christ. We did Bible studies and they taught me how to pray. I realized that without God, I can’t really get anywhere. That changed everything.”
It also changed everything for her kids when she enrolled them in Cross Trainers Academy. “The staff really care about my kids and they’re personally involved. They always make sure they have whatever they need,” she says.
“I also love the academics here. My kids are learning amazing things, including that all things are possible for them in Christ. They’re getting a strong foundation that will carry them through the rest of their lives. They love it here. In fact, they call Cross Trainers their ‘forever school.’ Watching my kids thriving here means everything to me.”
Today, Latiesha is employed and supporting her family. Watching her kids thrive has also rekindled her own dreams: “The Milwaukee Rescue Mission, Joy House, Cross Trainers Academy — they’ve all helped me get back on my feet, through faith in God and the opportunities they gave me. Now I even feel like I can reach my own dream again, to one day be a pediatric nurse. Thank you!”