Ju Ju’s Story
"My God always makes a way for me and gives me strength. I know my future will be well."
“Dear loving wonderful family … You have been a blessing for me.”
Grateful. That’s how Ju Ju felt writing a letter to Joy House staff after staying at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission’s shelter for women and children. For her entire life, she’s managed to keep a positive attitude, regardless of her circumstances. But life hasn’t always been easy for Ju Ju.
Ju Ju was born and raised in Haiti. Despite the country’s challenges, she was happy there. She ran a successful grocery store, enjoying life with her church friends and family — and, in Ju Ju’s culture, family is everything. So, when her nephew asked her to leave Haiti to help care for his own family and new baby in Milwaukee, she didn’t hesitate for a moment.
For more than a year, Ju Ju babysat, cooked meals, cleaned the house and helped her relatives … because “that’s what family does for one another.”
Then, out of the blue, Ju Ju was told she was no longer needed — and, seemingly, no longer welcome. Suddenly, she found herself without shelter, money or support.
“I was sad. I love my family, I love the baby,” she says. Ju Ju was hurt by her family’s rejection — and yet, even in her sadness, she trusted that “God would make a way for me.”
And Ju Ju’s faith did more than comfort her — it led her to refuge. After hearing about Ju Ju’s situation, a church friend told her about the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Soon after, Ju Ju joined MRM’s life recovery program in Joy House for single, unaccompanied women. Here, she was welcomed not only as a guest — but as family.
“The people at MRM were very nice,” Ju Ju recalls. “They showed me love. They provided me with shelter. And the meals there were very good!”
Through Joy House programming like education, counseling, job search assistance and financial guidance, Ju Ju regained her confidence — and her hope for the future. Since then, she has found a full-time job, secured an apartment and began attending Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Most importantly, Ju Ju has her faith. “My God always makes a way for me and gives me strength,” Ju Ju says. “I know my future will be well.”
Even after great upheaval and uncertainty, Ju Ju found stability and hope for the future — thanks to the love of Jesus shining through the compassion of friends like you!