Jody’s Story
Twenty years ago, Jody received the “education”of a lifetime when he came to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission and learned all about his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “Back then, I drank a lot and I was in pretty bad shape,” says Jody, now 44. “No one wanted me around, not even my dad. So in 1992 he brought me to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. I remember hearing guys talk about how the Lord was working in their lives and I thought, I want that, too.”
Life-Changing Lessons
After praying the sinner’s prayer and receiving Jesus as his savior, Jody joined MRM’s program and, for the next year and a half, learned more about Christ and how to live a godly life, an education that transformed his life forever. After joining a local church, Jody met a lovely young woman, Lora, at a singles conference there. They soon married and had two beautiful daughters — Grace, now 11, and Faith, now 6. Jody wanted them to learn the same life-changing lessons he had learned. So when it came time for Jody and Lora to enroll their girls in school, they chose MRM’s Cross Trainers Academy.
Building Kids on a Solid Foundation
“We wanted them in a Christian school and we knew that Cross Trainers had a solid Christian foundation to teach our children the faith. If you don’t have Christ in the proper place, nothing else you do in life will matter.” Lora and Jody also enjoy knowing their children study in smaller classrooms, where they receive individual attention from tutors and teachers. “The teachers here love our children and that’s important,” Lora says. “The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is where I was first introduced to Christ and it changed my life,” Jody says. “Now, I want my daughters to grow up to be productive citizens and godly young women. I believe Cross Trainers Academy is giving them a good start toward that goal.”