David’s Story
Before coming to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, David spent the previous six years trying to manage his addiction to drugs and alcohol on his own. He even entered a rehabilitation center for further help, but without a spiritual emphasis, David recalls, there wasn’t much motivation to persevere.
It wasn’t until last September that David’s life crumbled to the point of absolute helplessness. He lost his job and his apartment to his addiction, and he found himself homeless.
Thankfully, David maintained contact with his family — loving people who just wanted to see him get better. His father suggested to David that he stop by the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, and with nowhere else to turn, David took his advice.
Because of your compassionate support, David finally found a place to go where he could devote himself to healing. Plus, he could receive the spiritual training and tools to keep fighting.
After entering our Safe Harbor program, David has experienced radical life transformation. Once consumed by the desire to feed his unforgiving addiction, David has learned how to resist temptations and ultimately seek God’s help in times of trouble.
“I have had to learn patience with myself, others, and with God,” David admits. “But I’ve learned not to give up. I’ve learned that God doesn’t give up on me and I can depend on Him.”
In addition to finding a relationship with Christ, David has also learned to take responsibility for his life and to mend any wrongs from his past. “My goals today are to be career-minded, pay off my debts, grow in my understanding of the Bible, and to be a godly father to my son,” David says. And eventually, when David graduates from ourLifeSkills program, he hopes to attend Bible College and become a pastor.
As David prepares for the holiday season, he can’t imagine where he’d be today without friends like you. “The Christmas before coming to the Mission was terrible. My life was in total disarray and I wasn’t myself. But last Christmas at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I felt special. The love and spirit here made me feel exuberant. I thank the donors from the bottom of my heart, because God has blessed many people by your gifts of food, clothing, and shelter.”
As a result of these tangible gifts of love, David has also received the best Christmas gifts of all — the joy of knowing his Savior and the hope that with God’s help, he can make it through any trial that comes in life. Thank you for offering David these gifts and for extending your love to more men like David this holiday season.