Safe Harbor programs
1Guest Ministries
For men facing terrible personal crises, Guest Ministries can help them overcome short-term emergency issues, while providing extended support to stabilize their lives. Our comprehensive services include meals, shelter, clothing, counseling, education and job search resources.
2New Journey
For men who want to break loose from the bonds of addiction, our comprehensive New Journey program can help that process. Participants who are willing to commit to the hard work of healing and discipleship will realize change in their lives.
The program includes:
- Daily Bible studies and personal development
- Computer-based and instructor-led education programs
- GED preparation and testing
- Work therapy, on-the-job training and personal mentoring
- Educational support and financial/legal guidance
- Assistance in securing employment and housing
Our goal is to see each man develop stability in his life as he anticipates moving back into the community — confidently and with dignity.
3New Journey Transitional Services
For men who have completed the New Journey program, New Journey Transitional Services (NJTS) is a six-month transitional living program that helps men take further responsibility for their own lives. Participants receive additional support and guidance to help them make a successful transition back into the community. The comprehensive services of NJTS help men secure employment, manage their finances, handle legal issues, find strength through Christian counseling and restore broken relationships.
Transformed Lives
Safe Harbor has helped these men find new life and a fresh start.

Like many youth, as a teenager in Cudahy, Wisconsin, Dustin thought he knew everything. In high school, he was bright, popular, athletic and knew what he wanted: At 6’-7”, he had visions of a basketball scholarship and maybe more. But a serious injury in his junior year derailed his plans. “I didn’t know what…

I spent much of my life caught up in anger, self-pity and bitterness toward a world I thought rejected me. But all along, I was really just a hurt little boy. At a young age, I was taken from my mother and placed in foster care. But no one ever told me why. Why…

This Christmas Eve, it will be one year since I entered the New Journey program here at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. That first Christmas, everything changed for me. From now on, the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, I will celebrate my own rebirth and new life as a child…
These are just a few of the inspiring stories of men that have found new hope and strength through the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Check out more inspirational stories of transformation.