Great is Thy Faithfulness

Dear Friend, It’s January in Milwaukee. The warmth of the holidays may have faded, and the winter can seem long and forbidding. But this is when it’s especially important for us to welcome our guests into the Milwaukee Rescue Mission and out of the harsh cold for food, clothing and shelter. Whether our guests…

Embracing Hope This Holiday Season

Dear Friend, I love the holiday season and its glorious reminder of the Gospel, that God sent Jesus into the world to save us all from our sins. It’s also a time of year I reflect on how grateful I am for people like you, who partner with us in this mission to share…

Giving Thanks in Challenging Times

Dear Friend, I always look forward to the fall — a beautiful season of falling leaves, changing colors and thoughtful reflection. At times, the past two and half years have felt like one big season of challenges, full of endless twists and turns. Yet, despite the challenges, I am thankful. As we approach Thanksgiving…

Renewing Minds and Transforming Lives

Dear Friend, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” I love those words taken from Romans 12:2 (NIV). They describe so perfectly what God is doing in the lives of men, women and children every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission — people like Anthony, whose story you can read in our July…

Witnessing God’s Love and Grace in Action

Dear Friend, I am always so grateful when I see how God is using caring people like you to provide critical resources, encouragement and care to men, women and children experiencing hunger and homelessness. More than that, it humbles me that God has given us the privilege of being part of the real life…

Easter Miracles

Dear Friend, For Christians, Easter is the central historic truth of our faith. Jesus is God’s perfect solution for the problems we face in our day-to-day lives, as well as the problems facing those we serve every day at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. His resurrection means that every sinner — which is all of…