We Have a Lot to Celebrate!
Dear Friend,
I have the privilege of seeing first-hand how God is using your support to impact the lives of those who have fallen on hard times — and I can’t thank you enough for your part in providing life-changing care to hurting men, women and children in our community! By God’s grace and through your support, these precious souls not only have new hope … but reason to celebrate the transformation they’ve experienced.
You see, when they first walk through our doors, our struggling neighbors are often seeking basic necessities like a nutritious meal, safe shelter and warm clothing. Once those needs are met, the door is opened to more resources — vital services including counseling, education, job training, addiction recovery support and more. Taken together, these are the steps that can lead to a restored life!
Equipped with renewed health, skills and confidence, men and women in our recovery programs find jobs, housing and new opportunities. Children in need find a bright new future through counseling and education. Above all, our neighbors in need learn about God’s great love for them, and the new life He promises through His Son, Jesus Christ!
In this issue of Transformed, I hope you’ll be encouraged by Jeffery’s story, as well as the stories of others whose lives you’ve impacted through your support.
You’ve given so much reason to celebrate — thank you! — but the need is still great, and there are so many more neighbors struggling in our community. I hope you’ll partner with us once again to see more lives transformed.
Thank you for your continued compassion towards those who turn to MRM for help and a hopeful future!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.