Great is Thy Faithfulness
Dear Friend,
It’s January in Milwaukee. The warmth of the holidays may have faded, and the winter can seem long and forbidding. But this is when it’s especially important for us to welcome our guests into the Milwaukee Rescue Mission and out of the harsh cold for food, clothing and shelter. Whether our guests are experiencing winter storms or the storms of life — we want them to know that there is hope.
That’s our calling — “caring for those who are poor in body, mind and spirit, to see lives transformed through Christ to hope, joy and lasting productivity.” When precious men, women and children walk through our doors, feeling broken, cold and lonely, that’s when we see transformation begin. As hurting souls are comforted and receive basic needs, they experience the warmth of God’s love — and that’s when they realize the redemption, grace and hope that He offers through His great mercy and faithfulness.
The old hymn reminds us:
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided —
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Since 1893, morning by morning, year after year, we have seen God’s mercies transform men, women and children from their darkest experiences, when all seemed hopeless. For most of our guests, transformation is a long road of discipline, education, patience and counseling. In fact, counseling is so important, we place an emphasis on helping our neighbors who are struggling with mental health issues. We recognize that much of addiction and homelessness are driven by deep-seated mental and emotional pain that undermine a person’s ability to handle life’s troubles.
Because of your generosity, our hurting neighbors are getting the help they need to create lasting change in their lives. I am so thankful for your faithfulness! By God’s grace and through your support, the power of the Gospel is transforming the hearts, minds and spirits of those turning to MRM. You’re helping provide real shelter from life’s storms — and I am so grateful!
May God bless you in 2023!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.