God’s Love Transforms Lives — Through Your Support!
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” ~John 13:34
Over the past couple of months, COVID-19 has unleashed unprecedented trauma and hardship on the entire city of Milwaukee. In many ways, the hardest hit have been those who are most vulnerable—those devastated by hunger and homelessness, seniors and the elderly, and struggling communities like Lindsay Heights.
But in painful times like these, I’m reminded that the real antidote is not fear and panic. It’s unconditional love—God’s love for broken people like you and me. This love is the very heart of the Gospel. And our own love for God and one another is the essence of what family and community are all about. It’s this Gospel love that transforms lives at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission and throughout our community.
I’ve seen this kind of love shine brightly in the past several weeks, not just inside the walls of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, but throughout our community. Against nation-wide shortages of face masks and hand sanitizer, friends like you stepped up and helped provide those things. When we were facing emergency needs of crucial items like men’s boxers, thermometers and groceries, again kind folks like you responded with life-saving donations. And I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the love you’ve shown us through your online donations, encouraging emails and prayers. An anonymous friend even posted a sign at our front door: “Heroes Work Here”!
It’s that kind love that inspires hope, turns eyes toward God, and even transforms lives. That’s why I’m so grateful for caring folks like you who do not hesitate in sharing not only your financial support, but also your love. Your compassion and commitment to vulnerable men, women and children truly make this work possible—especially in challenging times like these.
Thank you for providing the love and hope that helps our struggling neighbors not only survive their circumstances, but thrive in spite of them!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.