Faces Filled With Christmas Joy
Dear Friend,
Joy. If there’s one word that describes our aspiration for all who come to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, 365 days a year, it’s “joy.” But it’s never more profound than in the weeks leading up to Christmas, when we celebrate the “good news” that a new king has been born. The “good news” of a Savior who will redeem the world. The “good news” that our Lord and Creator has come to give us—as Armando says in his story on page 3—”hope and a future.”
Yes, the holiday season is a special time of year, but it’s also a challenging one. This year has been tough on Milwaukee as we’ve seen many more people in need of shelter and coming through our doors. The needs of those on the street today are greater than ever—which can make their Christmas celebration all the more joyful and triumphant once they have finally found warmth, shelter and love after coming to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
In fact, I wish you could experience the joy inside the Milwaukee Rescue Mission for yourself this holy time of year. I wish you could see the special holiday meals, the warmth and care, and all the Christmas decorations and presents that mean so much to people who are homeless and hurting. But most of all, I wish you could see the faces of all the men, women and children who truly know what the spirit of Christmas is all about, faces filled with the joy and the promise of eternal life—because of a baby born in a manger.
Whether you’re a donor or a volunteer or a prayer warrior on behalf of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, those faces are filled with joy because God used you to help make it all possible. And on their behalf, I want to say thank you… and Merry Christmas.
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min. President