A Door of Hope for Vulnerable Women

Dear Friend,

I am so grateful for the faithful support of friends like you! Your kindness has made a real difference in the lives of our homeless neighbors — for men in Safe Harbor, our men’s shelter, as well as women with children in Joy House. But in the last few years, we have begun to see that there is one group that still needs help — single women.

Women who are homeless and unaccompanied by dependent children are in a particularly vulnerable situation. There are very few places they can turn to for help, and staying on the streets can be very dangerous. They may face theft, assault or worse. It can seem hopeless.

Until now. Because of the increased need, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is stepping into the gap and opening up space to provide safe shelter, hot meals, warm beds, spiritual care and even long-term case management for these hurting women, so they can experience transformation in their lives through Jesus Christ. We’re calling this expansion of Joy House the Door of Hope Program, because that’s what it is — a gateway of hope to give vulnerable women a chance for new life.

I know you care about these precious women as much as we do. I’m so grateful for all the support you’ve given to hurting men and families at MRM. Now, I pray that your generous, loving compassion will extend toward women who need you more than ever.

Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.
