Caring for the Whole Person: Body, Soul and Mind
Dear Friend,
Who is my neighbor?
Over the many years I’ve worked at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I’ve often asked myself that question. The Parable of the Good Samaritan illustrates that a truly good neighbor is one who comes to the aid — in other words, rescue — of someone in need. That’s why we’re called the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
But who are these neighbors of yours and mine that need help? What are their circumstances? Some have lost jobs and/or their homes. Some have made poor choices and are struggling with substance abuse. Some are fleeing domestic violence. Some have simply run into unexpected circumstances that are beyond their ability to handle right now.
Many of the folks who walk through our doors are dealing with mental illness. Whether they’ve lived with it their entire lives or it developed as a result of trauma, more and more we’ve seen mental illness to be a common denominator in our guests. So much so, in fact, that we are increasing our capacity to serve these neighbors even better — by adding an on-campus mental health clinic at MRM.
Mental illness, addiction, domestic abuse, job loss … Yes, there are so many reasons why a man, woman or child might walk through our doors. The need is great in our community! But with your help and by God’s grace, we can address the needs of our struggling neighbors and help them find healing — and the hope of a Savior who loves them.
“Let not your hearts be troubled,” Jesus said in John 14:1. Thank you for partnering with MRM to ease the troubled minds of our neighbors.
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.