LaTonya’s Story – A Change of Heart

My mom didn’t want me when I was growing up. She even told me so. Both of my parents were drug abusers, and I was often neglected. They sometimes locked me out of the house. I wouldn’t wish my childhood on anybody.

As a teenager, I decided to leave that toxic environment, and I moved in with extended family. I was desperate for the love and attention I’d never felt, but I looked for it in all the wrong places. I joined a gang and got into fights. I sold drugs. I even married an ex-con at 17.

My marriage gave me two beautiful daughters, but I was young — and it was an abusive relationship. He’s now serving two life sentences for committing further crimes.

So there I was, a single mother, trying to make ends meet, trying to be a good mom, trying to do the right thing. I went to trade school and got certified in phlebotomy, hoping to build a career that could support my family.

Then my health started failing in a big way. I needed to have some major surgery last year, and my recovery was difficult. I didn’t eat for weeks. I learned that I had a lifethreatening heart condition. The doctor told me that one of my valves was like that of an 80-year-old … but I was just 40!

I didn’t want to die. I wanted to live for my daughters. Even though I was afraid, I went ahead with surgery to install an artificial valve. When I woke up afterwards, I could hear my new valve swooshing and ticking. It was like having a new heart … at least physically. Little did I know, I would soon receive an emotional heart transformation, too.

Because of my health problems, I couldn’t work and couldn’t pay my rent. When I lost my home, I had no place to turn. Someone told me about Joy House, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission’s shelter for women and children. When I heard it was a Christian ministry, I was all in. I wanted to be at a place and in a program that was centered on God, because I realized that it was God who saved me — and if He saved me, then I couldn’t give up that easily. I knew this was where I had to be.

I’m in Joy House’s Renew program now, which helps women replace old habits and ideas with new ones, emotionally and spiritually. There’s also a lot of practical help for things like handling your money, parenting and/or life classes and setting goals. It’s turned my life around.

For years, I felt unworthy and unloved. But thanks to you, MRM, and God’s amazing grace, I don’t feel that way anymore. I feel loved, by God, by this community and by you. I’m now at peace. And my heart has been transformed.

LaTonya’s transformation comes in large part due to your support. Thank you for making her heart change possible!