Anthony’s Story
"When I walked inside the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I found hope."
Anthony sat in his truck at a Park and Ride — homeless and devastated by an out-of-control crack addiction. For years he’d dabbled with marijuana, always able to function and perform at work. But once he was introduced to cocaine, things went downhill fast. His life fell apart, and he shut himself off from everyone he knew — all the while working side jobs in order to get his next fix.
“Before I started smoking crack, I had a great job working as a supervisor for a large freight company, and I loved it,” Anthony says. “Then I went through a bad breakup, and I wasn’t dealing with it well — so a friend invited me to try crack. After that first hit, that’s all that mattered for the next three years. I lost my job and everything else.”
Having reached his rock bottom, Anthony considered robbing a gas station. But that same night at the Park and Ride, something began tugging at his heart. “I felt something calling — and I knew I needed to make a change.” He called his mom and arranged to go to a detox center. When he discovered they couldn’t immediately take him in, he came to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
“I didn’t know it then, but now I know it was the Holy Spirit guiding me the whole time,” Anthony says. “When I walked inside the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, I found hope. I joined the men’s program and started working through the 12 Steps to Recovery, studying the Bible and praying every day. When I learned that Jesus died for my sins, that was the beginning of my journey with Him. He’s been renewing my mind ever since. Christ is the foundation of my life now.”
One year ago, Anthony continued his miraculous new journey of faith and was baptized!
“The Lord has provided so much for me,” he says. “I can’t thank Him enough for MRM. Someday I hope I can come back and encourage other guys in the program. I also want to thank the donors. Without them, none of this would be possible! It’s amazing that there are people out there who care about guys like me. I want to tell you all that your support helped save me.”
Today, Anthony is rejoicing for the new life he’s been given — and we are, too. Thank you for helping change lives!