Transformation Begins with Hope — and Your Support
Dear Friend,
Every day, I have the privilege of seeing how your support is impacting lives here at MRM. It’s not just the hearty meals and welcoming shelter you help provide but the hope you help offer someone who is lost. When struggling souls are treated with dignity and they hear the message that God loves them… then true transformation begins!
You are a partner in that transformation, because your support offers so much more than nourishing meals to struggling single moms and their children. Through parenting and life skills classes, spiritual guidance and other education, they can learn how to rebuild their lives and secure a bright future for their children.
And you are a partner in transformation for the man struggling with homelessness because of job loss, mental illness or substance abuse. Your kindness offers more than just a place to lay his head — by God’s grace, it offers him the opportunity to find wholeness, peace and a fresh start.
And for those who feel lost after experiencing severe trauma, you are a partner in their transformation. Through counseling and care, they are reminded of God’s great love for them, finding healing and hope to replace their brokenness and despair.
So many of the precious men, women and children who come through our doors arrive with dashed hopes and growing fears — but here, they find the love of Jesus, the only source of lasting change.
As you read through this issue of Transformed, please know how grateful we are for the real hope you help provide — and the transformations you’ve helped make possible for people like Justine and Terry.
Through God’s grace, you offer hope to hurting souls — thank you!
Patrick H. Vanderburgh, D.Min.